What's next for JavaScript?
July 13-17, 2020
July 13-17, 2020
👾 A new take on the fully-remote conference.
📅 12 amazing speakers spread across 5 days.
🤝 100% of ticket proceeds donated to combat the COVID-19 pandemic: Doctors Without Borders and several other charities nominated by our speakers.
What makes ESNEXT Conf different?

ESNext: proposals to look forward to
With the yearly ECMAScript releases (ES2015 to ES2019) a lot of things have changed in JavaScript-land. And even more changes are ahead! This talk takes a look at a few of the upcoming ECMAScript features, which will (hopefully) become part of the ECMAScript Language Specification in the near future.
Bramus Van Damme

The path to open source contributions
There is a need to use Open Source to stay competitive, but how do I get started? This talk will cover the idea of Open Source onboarding and provide examples of how projects are doing it well and how others are not. Prepare your best note taking app (or pen and paper), as this talk will have quite a few examples of projects in the JavaScript community.
Brian Douglas

A super tiny, framework-agnostic CSS-in-JS
Have you ever wanted to have a Sass-like preprocessing capability for your web apps during runtime rather than having it part of your build process? Is there any solution out there which supports dynamic loading of stylesheets from CSS files out of the box, so you can write your styles in plain vanilla CSS and import them via URL without having to worry about flashes of unstyled content. Have you ever thought about a simple and lean CSS-in-JS solution with zero dependencies?
Rajasegar Chandran

Why you should consider WebAssembly in your next frontend project
During the last decades more functionality has been pushed into the client by using the latest JavaScript framework. But what if we could be using native code in the browser in order to run computations faster and reuse backend code in the frontend? WebAssembly can help you achieve this.
Håkan Silfvernagel

The hidden complexities of import maps
Import maps are awesome but underneath their simple interface hides a huge amount of practical complexity. This talk is a deep dive into some of these problems from maintenance and package conventions to production workflows.
Guy Bedford

A world without builds: extensible ESM components
What if I told you there is a world with no runtime dependencies? This world is one where no one is bound by JavaScript frameworks and NPM is a long forgotten system of control. The platform of the web has long told of this world and the release of the source code from its ”babelified” and ”typescripted” mappers. In this talk we’ll explore how to use modern technologies like ES Modules & Web Components, recent developments and technology in a way that doesn't diminish the webs historical super powers. Follow the white rabbit…
Erik Isaksen

Rise of the robots
End-to-end testing has been close to impossible since mobile devices are quite restrictive even for simple use cases. In this talk, you will find out how you can prototype a robot that swipes, pinches and taps using JavaScript.
Theodore Vorillas

Finding a balance
If there is one thing I have always struggled with, it’s finding a balance between being a full time software engineer and being an open source contributor & maintainer… and a human being. In this new status quo where most of us are going fully remote, this balance may be even harder to reach; what’d I’d like to share with you are a few macro- and a few micro-actionable concepts that helped me. And I hope they’ll help you, too.
Lorenzo Sciandra

Data visualization and internationalization
Building custom data visualizations with full international support is not always easy. Let's go over useful techniques to customize data visualizations for a global audience. How to format numbers, dates, times, currencies, calendars, x/y axis, and more! We'll talk about the JavaScript Intl API and unique challenges with right to left and bi-directional locale visualizations, how colors, iconography, and emojis can be perceived differently in distinct cultures, all with a global audience in mind.
Naomi Meyer

The web we left behind
Before ”SSR” was a term, everything was SSR. And a lot of things on the web just worked, because the browser (and screen readers) knew what to do with links and forms and semantic HTML. We can have that web back. We don't have to ship loads of transpiled, minified, uglified, source-mapped JS to replicate core browser functionality. Is what’s next for JavaScript… less (client-side) JavaScript?
Kyle Jacobson

Unbundling the JAMStack meta-framework
Create React App, Gatsby, Next, and Redwood are all in on webpack. What if we remove webpack? What does it look like to build a meta-framework that defaults to unbundled and targets ES Modules in the browser?
Chris Biscardi

Coming of types
Gradual type systems are on the rise. TypeScript, for instance, was released 8 years ago and went from “tech people heard of” to a popular and wanted language. This trend will keep growing over the next years. This presentation will show why adding types might be a good idea, and how they help you—not only by finding errors early but by enabling you to build intelligence around your codebase (and have your editor make suggestions and validate business logic in your code as you type).
Cássio Zen
July 13–17, 2020
A global conference needs to be global, right? To be friendly
to as many people as possible, we’re offering 2 showing
times for every content block: once for the Americas,
then again 13 hours later for Europe/Africa/Asia. So watch
either Viewing 1 OR Viewing 2, whichever is
more accessible to you. It’ll be the exact same content (though
we’ll be running a Discord chat, and the chat will change!).
Speaker / Talk
Viewing 1: Americas
Viewing 2: Europe/Africa/Asia
Day 1
Mon, 13 Jul (🇺🇸🇨🇦🇲🇽🇧🇷)
Tues, 14 Jul (🇬🇧🇪🇸🇩🇪🇳🇴🇬🇷🇮🇳🇯🇵🇦🇺)
Fred K. Schott / Drew Powers: Introduction / Keynote
1:00p EDT / 10:00a PDT
10:00 CEST
Erik Isaksen: A world without builds
1:30p EDT / 10:30a PDT
10:30 CEST
Bramus Van Damme: ESNext: proposals to look forward to
2:00p EDT / 11:00a PDT
11:00 CEST
Chris Biscardi: Unbundling the JAMStack
2:30p EDT / 11:30a PDT
11:30 CEST
Day 2
Tues, 14 Jul (🇺🇸🇨🇦🇲🇽🇧🇷)
Wed, 15 Jul (🇬🇧🇪🇸🇩🇪🇳🇴🇬🇷🇮🇳🇯🇵🇦🇺)
Guy Bedford: The hidden complexities of import maps
1:00p EDT / 10:00a PDT
10:00 CEST
Naomi Meyer: Data visualization and internationalization
1:30p EDT / 10:30a PDT
10:30 CEST
Theodore Vorillas: The rise of the robots
2:00p EDT / 11:00a PDT
11:30 CEST
Day 3
Wed, 15 Jul (🇺🇸🇨🇦🇲🇽🇧🇷)
Thu, 16 Jul (🇬🇧🇪🇸🇩🇪🇳🇴🇬🇷🇮🇳🇯🇵🇦🇺)
Brian Douglas: The path to open source contributions
1:00p EDT / 10:00a PDT
10:00 CEST
Lorenzo Sciandra: Finding a balance
1:30p EDT / 10:30a PDT
10:30 CEST
Cássio Zen: Coming of types
2:00p EDT / 11:00a PDT
11:30 CEST
Day 4
Thu, 16 Jul (🇺🇸🇨🇦🇲🇽🇧🇷)
Fri, 17 Jul (🇬🇧🇪🇸🇩🇪🇳🇴🇬🇷🇮🇳🇯🇵🇦🇺)
Rajasegar Chandran: A super tiny, framework-agnostic CSS-in-JS
1:00p EDT / 10:00a PDT
10:00 CEST
Kyle Jacobson: The web we left behind
1:30p EDT / 10:30a PDT
10:30 CEST
Håkan Silfvernagel: Why you should consider WebAssembly
2:00p EDT / 11:00a PDT
11:00 CEST
Fri, 17 Jul (🇺🇸🇨🇦🇲🇽🇧🇷)
Fri, 17 Jul (🇬🇧🇪🇸🇩🇪🇳🇴🇬🇷🇮🇳🇯🇵🇦🇺)
Everyone: All the talks!
We’ll replay all the content in a single 6-hour block without stopping. Catch any talk you missed!
Note: this replay is shown at the same time for Americas & Europe.
1:00p EDT / 10:00a PDT
19:00 CEST
A global conference needs to be global, right? To be friendly to as many people as possible, we’re offering 2 showing times for every content block: once for the Americas, then again 13 hours later for Europe/Africa/Asia. So watch either Viewing 1 OR Viewing 2, whichever is more accessible to you. It’ll be the exact same content (though we’ll be running a Discord chat, and the chat will change!).
Speaker / Talk | Viewing 1: Americas | Viewing 2: Europe/Africa/Asia |
Day 1 | Mon, 13 Jul (🇺🇸🇨🇦🇲🇽🇧🇷) | Tues, 14 Jul (🇬🇧🇪🇸🇩🇪🇳🇴🇬🇷🇮🇳🇯🇵🇦🇺) |
Fred K. Schott / Drew Powers: Introduction / Keynote | 1:00p EDT / 10:00a PDT | 10:00 CEST |
Erik Isaksen: A world without builds | 1:30p EDT / 10:30a PDT | 10:30 CEST |
Bramus Van Damme: ESNext: proposals to look forward to | 2:00p EDT / 11:00a PDT | 11:00 CEST |
Chris Biscardi: Unbundling the JAMStack | 2:30p EDT / 11:30a PDT | 11:30 CEST |
Day 2 | Tues, 14 Jul (🇺🇸🇨🇦🇲🇽🇧🇷) | Wed, 15 Jul (🇬🇧🇪🇸🇩🇪🇳🇴🇬🇷🇮🇳🇯🇵🇦🇺) |
Guy Bedford: The hidden complexities of import maps | 1:00p EDT / 10:00a PDT | 10:00 CEST |
Naomi Meyer: Data visualization and internationalization | 1:30p EDT / 10:30a PDT | 10:30 CEST |
Theodore Vorillas: The rise of the robots | 2:00p EDT / 11:00a PDT | 11:30 CEST |
Day 3 | Wed, 15 Jul (🇺🇸🇨🇦🇲🇽🇧🇷) | Thu, 16 Jul (🇬🇧🇪🇸🇩🇪🇳🇴🇬🇷🇮🇳🇯🇵🇦🇺) |
Brian Douglas: The path to open source contributions | 1:00p EDT / 10:00a PDT | 10:00 CEST |
Lorenzo Sciandra: Finding a balance | 1:30p EDT / 10:30a PDT | 10:30 CEST |
Cássio Zen: Coming of types | 2:00p EDT / 11:00a PDT | 11:30 CEST |
Day 4 | Thu, 16 Jul (🇺🇸🇨🇦🇲🇽🇧🇷) | Fri, 17 Jul (🇬🇧🇪🇸🇩🇪🇳🇴🇬🇷🇮🇳🇯🇵🇦🇺) |
Rajasegar Chandran: A super tiny, framework-agnostic CSS-in-JS | 1:00p EDT / 10:00a PDT | 10:00 CEST |
Kyle Jacobson: The web we left behind | 1:30p EDT / 10:30a PDT | 10:30 CEST |
Håkan Silfvernagel: Why you should consider WebAssembly | 2:00p EDT / 11:00a PDT | 11:00 CEST |
✨ SPECIAL REPLAY ✨ | Fri, 17 Jul (🇺🇸🇨🇦🇲🇽🇧🇷) | Fri, 17 Jul (🇬🇧🇪🇸🇩🇪🇳🇴🇬🇷🇮🇳🇯🇵🇦🇺) |
Everyone: All the talks! We’ll replay all the content in a single 6-hour block without stopping. Catch any talk you missed! Note: this replay is shown at the same time for Americas & Europe. |
1:00p EDT / 10:00a PDT | 19:00 CEST |